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5 places to visit when you are in Guwahati

5 places to visit when you are in Guwahati

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Hello everyone, hope you’ll are fine.

We are back as we said and today we are gonna tell you about 5 places you should definitely visit when you are in Guwahati. So let’s beginnnn!

As our organization hails from Guwahati itself, it’s an honour for us to be telling you people about our hometown.

Guwahati is the largest city in the Indian state of Assam and also the largest metropolis in entire Northeast India. Guwahati was formerly known as Pragjyotishpur, mention of which can be found in various mythological books of India. Guwahati lies between the banks of the Brahmaputra river and the foothills of Shillong. Guwahati is one of the fastest-growing cities in India. It is also known as the “Gateway to Northeast India”.

There are innumerable things that can be told about Guwahati but that would take many days to be done with, so let’s get going and here are the 5 places we’re gonna tell you about today.


Kamakhya Temple

The Kamakhya Temple is a temple dedicated to the mother goddess Kamakhya. Situated in the Nilachal hills in Guwahati, this is one of the oldest temples in India. Kamakhya temple is the main temple in the complex with several other individual temples located all around the hill. This is an important pilgrimage destination for the Hindus, especially for tantriks. Tantriks from all around India as well as a large number of foreign tourists gather in the temple complex during the festival of Ambubachi Mela. You can visit the temple complex anytime in the day but if you have plans to seek darshan then it’s gonna take some time for you.

Deepor Bil

Deepor Bil is a permanent freshwater lake, in a former channel of the Brahmaputra river, located to the southwest of Guwahati city. Its name is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘dipa’ meaning elephant and the Assamese word ‘bil’ meaning a lake or a large aquatic body. This lake is reportedly providing livelihood directly or indirectly to around 1200 families, primarily through fishing. The area surrounding Deepor Bil is a house for various wild animals mostly elephants and also various migratory birds are seen around the area. We would suggest visiting the lake late in the afternoon to sit and watch the picturesque scenery.

Umananda Island

Umananda Island is located in the middle of the Brahmaputra river in Guwahati. It is known as the smallest inhabited riverine island in the world. This island also houses the Umananda Temple which is devoted to Lord Shiva. You can take ferries or boats from the Kachari Ghat to reach the island. The view of the island from the shore will leave you spellbound.

The Ropeway Terminal

India’s longest river ropeway is located in Guwahati. The one of a kind ropeway across the Brahmaputra river connects the southern part of the city (from Kachari Ghat) to the northern part of the city (North Guwahati). The ropeway travels over the Umananda island giving you an eagle’s eye view of the island. The northern end of the ropeway is also very close to the Doul Gobindo Temple (a temple devoted to Lord Krishna).

Shopping at Fancy Bazaar

Fancy Bazaar can probably be called the best flea market across Guwahati, where you can find anything and everything ranging from accessories, clothing, electrical appliances, stationery items, etc. at the most reasonable prices. It is a busy, crowded and chaotic area consisting of large wholesale markets, food stalls, small stores, roadside stalls and brand outlets as well. You can also enjoy finger licking street food, sweets and other delicious eateries there.


Planning to visit Guwahati anytime soon? Why don’t you let us know?

We’ll sort out the plans for you at the best prices.


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